
Make Your Festool COMPATIBLE with The New MortiseMate Loose Tenon Jig From Kreg

Make Your Festool COMPATIBLE with The New MortiseMate Loose Tenon Jig From Kreg

If you just purchased the new Kreg MortiseMate™ Loose Tenon Jig from Kreg you may not know that it isn't compatible with Festool. I however have a solution. 

Here is a video that explains what isn't compatible but that I have a solution for.

There are two things that are not compatible with Festool. Lets talk about the first one.

Size Mortise and Tenons

The size mortise created by the Kreg MortiseMate™ is larger than the ones created by the Festool Domino and the tenons are a bit smaller. That however isn’t a bad thing, because this Jig is not designed to create tight or perfect mortise and tenon joints like the Festool Domino Joiner does.

This Jig is a “Loose” tenon jig. That is very important to know and understand.
Now, that doesn’t mean this is a bad jig or tool or that doesn’t create a strong mortise and tenon joint. It just means that it uses the “loose method” which is honestly a personal preference in creating these types of joints.

The design and engineering of the Festool tenon and mortises are simply not compatible as they're approaching this type of joinery from a different perspective. So, if your preference is working with perfectly tight mortise and tenon joints this isn’t the jig for you.


The Dust Port

Now, let’s talk about the second thing that isn’t compatible with Festool, but that I have a solution for. Jigs like this usually have a dust port, so you can hook up your dust extractor or shop vac to them. This dust port is unfortunately is not compatible with Festool’s hoses. But I have a solution!

I have designed and engineered a 27mm twist lock adapter that makes this jig and dust port compatible with your Festool hoses.

Installing it is super easy. You simply attach my adapter in the same location with the same screws and you are good to go. If you need an adapter for your MortiseMate™ you can order one from our shop.

If you are looking to learn more about this tool and the other options out there, I would recommend checking out the Wood Whisperer’s video. He did a great job reviewing this tool and the other options that are available.

Now if you don't want to purchase a fancy Kreg or Festool jig to create mortise and tenon joints. I have another option for you. This option allows you to use the tools you already have like a drill and router to make a mortise and tenon joint. But this method is unlike anything you have ever seen.


More Affordable Method for Making Mortise and Tenon Joints

Creating mortise and tenon joints is nothing new, however I created a new way to create strong shallow mortise and tenon joints. 

Here's how it works: It should be simple. It should be fast. It should make your life easier and allow you to make new products that were once out of reach.

There is an adjustable router jig and an adaptable tenon fastener that work hand-in-hand. Here is a video showing your how easy it is to use and make furniture with this jig. 

The Adjustable Mortise Jig & Tenon Fastener System™

My goal of is to inspire you to build and create, while offering you ways to make your tools more versatile and keep your shop organized. Be sure to check the other project posts and videos I have on this site as they might inspire you to build something new or help you along your woodworker and maker journey.

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